2024 Watershed Forum Request for Session Proposals

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2024 Chesapeake Watershed Forum Request for Session Proposals

The Forum Planning Committee is soliciting proposals for 60, 90, and 180-minute sessions at the 2024 Forum (October 18-20) at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV. We are looking for a combination of theme-related sessions that spotlight a case study or introduce new, innovative, and/or hot topics or more in-depth presentations that facilitate discussion and application to activities and organizations at the local level.

Important dates:

  • April 1: Request for proposals for sessions opens
  • April 2 – May 16 Request for proposals office hours
  • May 24: Session proposals due (deadline extended)
  • Early July: Sessions selected and speakers contacted
  • September 11, noon: Speaker webinar
  • September 25 – October 9: Optional speaker run-of-show practice sessions

For further information or questions about the guidelines, please contact Jenny McGarvey at chesapeakeforum@allianceforthebay.org or (804) 977-1657.


Proposal Guidelines

Please review our Session Proposal Guidelines for instructions on proposal priorities, presenter expectations, priority topics and focal areas, and evaluation criteria.

Download the Guidelines

Office Hours

Office hours are a 45-minute time block scheduled with a member of the Forum Planning Committee. During your appointment, committee members can provide feedback on your proposal concept and review any written narratives. Click the button below to secure your office hour spot!

Schedule an Office Hour