Since 1971, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has united communities, companies, and conservationists to restore and improve the lands and waters of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. For 52 years, the Alliance has served as the backbone for regional collaboration across our watershed by creating connections, building partnerships, and collaborating with diverse audiences to achieve our shared goals of a healthy, resilient home. With help from generous friends like you, we achieved a lot this year!

We planted over 125,000 trees, creating 360 acres of new Chesapeake forests

Volunteers in Kirkwood, Pennsylvania prepare to plant some of the 125,000 trees we planted in 2023.


60 conservation practices were installed on 25 farms across the Chesapeake Bay watershed

A stabilized barnyard and manure storage installation on a Pennsylvania dairy farm. Installations like these allow farmers to focus on other areas of the farm, such as crops and animal health.


Engaged 2,193 volunteers to monitor local water quality, plant trees, clean up trash, and maintain newly planted trees and rain gardens

A Project Clean Stream volunteer finds an old soccer ball while paddling the Potomac with Boating in DC to clean up the waterway.


Installed 336 BayScapes, 245 rain barrels, and 105 rain gardens to reduce and filter stormwater runoff

Partygoers tour the green infrastructure installations at a RiverSmart Homes Garden Party. Over snacks and coffee, attendees learned about rain gardens, Bayscaping, rain barrels, shade trees, and permeable surfaces. Everyone even got to sample some local honey made by the bees on the property!

January is a time of resolutions, and looking forward to the future. But before we close the book on last year, we’d like to thank you for your support in 2023. On behalf of our Board, staff, and the watershed itself: we are profoundly grateful.

Our donors, sponsors, volunteers, and steadfast friends are essential members of the Alliance! Your generosity powers our mission to restore the lands and waters of the Chesapeake Bay.

In 2023, you joined 452 donors to raise $450,000, supporting the Alliance’s work throughout the watershed! Together, we’ve:

  • Helped farmers restore the health of local rivers and streams.
  • Improved forest health, created new forests, and advised private woodland owners.
  • Reduced stormwater runoff through conservation landscaping practices.
  • Engaged new communities, companies, and conservationists in our mission.

To our 192 new donors last year – we are honored that you’ve joined the 260 returning donors and 38 corporate and individual sponsors committed to the health of our shared home. Together, we can achieve our shared dream of a cleaner Chesapeake for all!

The Bay and her rivers are important to all of us. Let’s continue working together to make the long-term improvements they deserve.

For our Forests, For our Streams, For our Future.