Community Green Access Mini-Grant FAQs

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the intention of ‘Community Green Access’?

  • The Alliance uses the term ‘Community Green Access’ (CGA) to encompass community-driven initiatives that prioritize equity, accessibility, and justice to empower organizations, partnerships, and residents. CGA Funding is for inclusive, community driven green projects and environmental stewardship across the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

What does ‘Capacity Building’ mean?

  • Capacity is your access to the tools, resources, partnerships, and technical expertise needed to effectively achieve your mission. Capacity building strengthens your access to these tools, resources, partnerships, and technical expertise.

How does the Alliance define an overburdened or marginalized community?

  • Overburdened is used to describe the minority, low‐income, tribal, and indigenous populations or communities in the United States that potentially experience disproportionate environmental harms and risks due to exposures or cumulative impacts or greater vulnerability to environmental hazards (EPA). Marginalization is often an outcome of exclusion/inclusion of certain groups in developmental activities (Bose, 2017). In addition, the Alliance leans on the CEJST tool, highlighting communities in census tract that are (1) at or above the threshold for one or more environmental or climate burden and (2) at or above the threshold for an associated socioeconomic burden (CEJST). Any community that self-identifies as experiencing under funding or resourcing to address climate or environmental justice issues are also included.

Is an invitation required to Apply?

  • Yes. 2024-2025 is a pilot funding year. Invitations were sent to partners across the watershed for this initial round. Future funding rounds are anticipated to be open applications.

Can our community-based organization apply through a fiscal sponsor?

  • Yes. You will need to provide the fiscal sponsor’s contact information, and mailing address, and expect them to be present at the kickoff and close-out meetings. You will also need to submit a letter of support from your fiscal sponsor.

What if my organization doesn’t have a GAAP audit?

  • If a GAAP audit is unavailable for your organization, you may fill out an Alliance Finances and Controls Questionnaire. The purpose of including a GAAP or Controls Questionnaire is to address any past financial finding deficiencies or mismanagement of funds.

What does the Networking and Support component of the awardees experience look like?

  • The program will offer two optional virtual networking events for all awardees. Virtual networking will connect grant awardees to each other to share tools, resources, and support. Awardees may also participate in two optional one-on-one technical sessions with the Alliance. Focused topics are at the discretion of the awardees. Example topics include grant writing support, engagement activities brainstorm, and project planning.

Does the Alliance require progress reports or project updates?

  • No. The grant manager will utilize the check-in meetings to stay up to date on project impacts.