Save the date for the Alliance’s second Wild & Scenic Film Festival on January 23, 2020! After great success back in January 2019, the team has already begun planning for a 2020 event again in four locations across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Lancaster, PA, Annapolis, MD, Richmond, VA, and Washington, D.C.

We’re excited to once again bring together an award-winning selection of films that inform, inspire, and ignite solutions and possibilities to restore the earth and human communities while creating a positive future for the next generation. Each location will offer a unique experience for guests, but you won’t be disappointed! There will be food, drinks, raffle items, giveaways, and more! If you want a sneak peak at this year’s films, check out the latest Wild & Scenic Film Festival trailer.

Tickets go on sale October 7th, but in the meantime stay up-to-date by following the events on our Facebook page at or our website at