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…a good source for choosing native plant material: Request more native plant stock at your local nurseries. Currently, most plant nurseries and garden centers carry only approximately 10% native…
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…BayScape garden uses native plants that are indigenous to the Chesapeake Bay region. Native plants typically require less maintenance than other plants found at local nurseries or hardware stores. Once…
…it was commonly grown in nurseries by the 1840s. Less than a century later, it had spread by wind and well-meaning human to 42 US states and two Canadian provinces….
…arrived, along with all of the lovely tulips, lilacs, and for those fungi lovers….morels! Local nurseries, deemed essential businesses, have worked hard to supply us with our native species. Fortunately,…
…to where you can purchase some of the trees and shrubs I just mentioned? The Maryland Native Plant Society offers a list of local native plant nurseries and which can…
…find native plant nurseries nowadays, with the benefits of native flowers, shrubs, and trees gaining more awareness. Please don’t hesitate to visit your local native plant vendor and ask them…
…while the bluebells are dormant. Time your purchase of bluebells from local nurseries as they can be hard to find out of the spring season. Virginia bluebell (photo credit: Emily…
…there are plenty of resources to find native plant nurseries near you. You can also decide which plant is right for your space with the Alliance’s Native Plant Center. If…
…to maidengrass in particular — split-beard bluestem (Andropogon ternarius), sugarcane plumegrass (Saccharum giganteum) and Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans). A 2017 survey of mid-Atlantic wholesale nurseries conducted by Mt. Cuba Center in…