Photo courtesy of Chesapeake Bay Program


Drones & Dairy – A Farm Transformation

It was a beautiful summer morning when I pulled into an Amish dairy farm in Pennsylvania. After patiently waiting for an old farm dog to trot out of the driveway, I parked behind the barn and began setting up my camera gear.

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600 Pounds of Trash Removed During Project Clean Stream Kick-off Events!

Project Clean Stream (PCS) began in 2002, and since, tens of thousands of volunteers have helped pick up trash in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Volunteers are empowered with the agency to lead their stream cleanups and build a stronger sense of place in their communities.

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Spend More Ethically with Conscious Consumerism

To be a conscious consumer is to be aware of what you buy and use, and the impact it has on the world. It sounds simple enough, but the line from production to consumption is full of twists, turns, and knots.

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Reforestation Opportunity Available for Maryland Landowners

The Healthy Forests Healthy Waters (HFHW) program offers landowners in Maryland a cost-free opportunity to establish new woodland cover on their property.

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In Defense of the Gumball Tree

Those spiky gumball-like seeds can look daunting, like a thousand medieval chain maces ready to strike those who wander too near.

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What’s Poppin’? Phenological Fun: Eastern Cicada Killer Wasp

Is this the fabled “murder hornet” we keep hearing about? No! This is the eastern cicada killer wasp!

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Press Release: Alliance Kicks Off Annual Taste Fundraising Event Along the Susquehanna in PA on August 31st

The Susquehanna River contributes two-thirds of the freshwater to the Chesapeake Bay and is critically important to the restoration efforts for the whole watershed. To help heal the Susquehanna and its tributaries, the Alliance for the Chesapeake kicked off the celebrations at River’s Edge on August 31st as part of the Alliance’s annual Taste: Celebrate the Chesapeake event series.

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Q&A with Eurofins: Campus and Company Sustainability

We recently sat down with Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing to ask about how their Lancaster site is creating a cleaner campus and watershed.

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Resource Recap: Over 7 Hours of Live Recordings

In case you missed it, you can catch over seven hours of presentations from our staff experts! Learn more about a wide variety of topics, from recreation to stewardship in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

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Loosen the Grip of English Ivy

English ivy is one of the most prevalent invasive species in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. It is a woody vine that climbs trees, fences, and other vertical structures. Left unchecked, it can harm trees by weighing down their limbs, robbing leaves of sunlight, and leaving them more prone to storm damage.

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