Photo courtesy of Chesapeake Bay Program


Thank You for a Great Wild & Scenic Film Fest!

Over 500 of our friends and partners gathered across the watershed to enjoy our selection of inspiring, award-winning films. Your support of WSFF raised over $38,000 which continues to help us achieve our mission of restoring the lands and waters of the Chesapeake Bay watershed!

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Maintaining Stormwater Practices

Residential stormwater practices are great ways to help capture and infiltrate stormwater on your property, but they need routine care to keep them working effectively. Maintaining your stormwater practices can seem daunting at times, but the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay can assist.

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Kicking Off the 21st Season of Project Clean Stream

As I thought about the spring season, I wanted to celebrate the 21-year history of engaging local communities. So I rallied four site captains, one from each of our office locations, and challenged them to create a kick-off event that would encourage collective effort in removing trash from local communities.

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Spring Tree Plantings in Pennsylvania

Come get your hands dirty and join in on the reforestation effort for Pennsylvania streams! We have thousands of trees to plant, we have the tools, and all we need is you.

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3 Watersheds, 24 Sites, and 80+ Amazing Volunteers

The summer of 2022 marked the fourth year of the DC Citizen Science Water Quality Monitoring program, funded by our partners at the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE). From May to September, during the peak recreation season, volunteers braved DC traffic each week to collect valuable water quality data about their watershed.

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Unseasonable Conditions and the Responses Found in Our Forests

As I write this article, the temperature outside my window here in northern Maryland is 60 degrees (and the sun isn’t even shining). Just a week ago (late February) it was 70+ degrees across much of the State. It’s hard to believe that we’re hitting these temperatures in February and March! Walking and driving around, …

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Spring Garden Care Tips

Depending on where you are in the watershed, this unseasonably warm spell may have your plants getting ready to break dormancy early. Right now is a perfect opportunity to prepare your garden and prevent it from blooming too early.

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When You’re Feeling Blue, Think Native Plants

Alliance staff, Jamie Alberti, loves to surround herself with blues, and that includes her outdoor space. If you’d like to add a little dash of blue to your gardens, consider her top five favorite blue native plants!

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Wild & Scenic Film Festival is Almost Here!

Since 2019, the Alliance has brought communities in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, DC, together by hosting the Wild & Scenic Film Festival across the watershed. This spring, the Film Festival will provide warmth, inspire action, and raise hope during a time of growth and rebirth.

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Project Clean Stream is Back for 2023

Every year, tens of thousands of volunteers come together to pick up trash from local streams, creeks, rivers, parks, and neighborhoods as part of the Alliance’s Project Clean Stream.

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