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May is here and nature is in full bloom! Let’s slow down and take it all in – or at least what’s in our own planters! National Garden Meditation Day is recognized on May 3rd of each year and encourages us all to stop and smell the roses, literally!
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On Saturday, I told my husband that I was going to visit the center of the universe, and he knew exactly where I meant – the Cape St. Claire Community near Annapolis, MD. If you live in Annapolis, you likely know that there is always 6-degrees of separation to the Cape. While this might be …
Fishing tip from Shawn Kimbro! Take a few minutes after your fishing trip to help clean up your surrounding area. It’s as easy as bringing a litter bag with you and picking up any trash you see- try to leave with more than what you came with and leave no trace behind.
What is it that draws us to the spring woods? Is it the cacophony of spring peepers, the blanket of vibrant green leaves engulfing the forest around us, or maybe the prospect of a delicious morel just around the next bend? I’m not one to turn down a morel, and the sights and sounds of spring are wonderful, but as the ice begins to melt and the days get longer, my mind turns to Pennsylvania’s beautiful creeks and the trout that call them home.
This month for our 50 Stories for our 50th, we are celebrating community members taking action. April also marks the kick-off of our annual Project Clean Stream season. We would not be able to pull off hundreds of clean-up events each year for the past 17 years, without the support from our amazing site captains. …
Recently it has become more difficult to separate Earth Day events from the awareness of climate change. Traditional Earth Day celebrations and “environmentalism” in general conjure images of vast spaces of protected pristine lands and water, majestic forests, and quintessential North American wildlife species that evoke the feeling of special places and patriotism. Or we …
In January of 2021 the Alliance coordinated the installation of a wetland habitat enhancement project in Charles County, Maryland. Through a series of four vernal pools the project has created habitat for various amphibians and reptiles in the surrounding area.
Meet Jack and Carol Kauffman, new residents of the Middle Peninsula of Virginia after moving from their longtime Pennsylvania homes in Montgomery and Berks Counties in 2018. Jack, a retired drug discovery scientist, and Carol, a retired teacher, chose their new home along Bland Creek, a tributary of the York River, because of the access is provided to water and nature. Soon after their move, they became involved with the Friends of the Dragon Run conservation group and met the members of the Virginia Master Naturalists, inspiring them to join the Middle Peninsula Master Naturalists chapter. Through this training, they were introduced to the RiverTrends monitoring project with Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay.
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay hosts an annual watershed-wide cleanup initiative called Project Clean Stream. Project Clean Stream (PCS) is a favorite among staff because of its hands-on efforts and the community’s connection with their local lands and waterways. Not only are volunteers preventing trash from entering waterways, but they are also learning the …