Photo courtesy of Chesapeake Bay Program


Promoting the Use of Rain Barrels at Rooting D.C.

For the past three years the Alliance’s D.C. staff has presented at Rooting D.C., a free urban gardening forum that educates attendees about urban agriculture and local food issues. In 2019, I had the pleasure of giving a presentation on edible native plants that can be incorporated into rain gardens and BayScape gardens. These practices …

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Don’t Forget Where You Came From: the case for a grassroots surge in celebrating the 50th Earth Day

As a thirty-year-old, I cannot personally speak about the first Earth Day. But I do know that 50 years ago we had no Environmental Protection Agency, no Clean Water Act, and appallingly inadequate proto-versions of the Endangered Species Act and Clean Air Acts. Rivers were burning, DDT was sprayed from airplanes across America, and people …

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Project Clean Stream: A great way to rally local action

Spring marks the beginning of Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s annual stream clean up program, Project Clean Stream (PCS). Through PCS, the Alliance offers hands-on opportunities through our partnership with residents, local businesses, environmental organizations, local governments, community groups, houses of worship, schools and universities, to come together to take action to restore clean waters …

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Welcoming Our Chief Operating Officer!

As part of the Alliance’s work in expanding and growing our impact for healthier lands and waters of the Chesapeake Bay, we are excited to announce the internal promotion of Drew Siglin to the newly formed position of Chief Operating Officer! Drew started his work with the Alliance in March 2013, in our Pennsylvania office, …

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Taking Nature Black!

Taking Nature Black (TNB)! It’s a direct, bold expression that has become the name for an annual conference held by the Audubon Naturalist Society (ANS). February 27th, 2020 saw the third conference held by ANS, and was an excellent way of celebrating Black History Month.

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Donor Testimonial: Susan Johnson

As a kid growing up in New Jersey, I was fortunate enough to be able to take family day trips “down the shore” and escape the heat of the summer in the Atlantic Ocean. With my Dad at my side, I learned how to body surf and fish in the ocean when the blues were …

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Gearing Up For Spring Tree Plantings!

Despite the unseasonably warm weather we’ve been facing lately, it’s technically not spring yet. In fact, our Chesapeake Forests Team is just beginning to prepare for the spring riparian buffer, or streamside tree, planting season in Pennsylvania. The two main ways we prepare for planting season are by live staking (propagation by cutting) and flagging …

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A wide variety of data scientists, developers, designers, problem-solvers and storytellers were invited to the Design-o-thon to explore CMC’s data and create solutions to address some of their core challenges. The goal of this Design-o-thon was to prepare for a data dive Hack-the-Bay event through a structured ideation session with the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative team.

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The Citizens Advisory Committee Visits West Virginia

For their February 2020 meeting, the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) held their first meeting in West Virginia in Berkeley Springs

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Year of the Woman and Black History Month: Harriet Tubman

When sitting down to think about who to write about for February’s Year of the Woman blog post, I could think of no better person than Harriet Tubman, a strong, influential African American female leader in the Chesapeake Bay region. While it doesn’t seem fair that women are only celebrated during the year of 2020, …

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