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The Alliance has many different resources and educational tools that can help keep you occupied and teach you new things during this time spent at home. Below, we are going to share our different tools for you to dig into. Websites Chesapeake Network – The Network is a place for sharing resources, webinars, online events, …
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Although, we can’t volunteer outside during Earth Month this year, there are many ways to make a positive shift in our lives for ourselves and the planet while staying home. Moving into Spring many of us are looking to incorporate some green foods into our diets that make us feel, and perform our best. No …
On Tuesday, February 19th the Eastport Yacht Club hosted a Marine and Maritime Career Expo sponsored by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. This year the Expo was hosted at Maryland Hall in Annapolis, Maryland. The purpose of the event is to connect more than 100 students from Anne Arundel County High Schools with opportunities …
For over a decade, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has helped organize regional stream cleanup events as a part of our Project Clean Stream (PCS). What started as a single day event in the Spring, now spans over the course of a season with tens of thousands of volunteers picking up trash across the …
On Friday, March 6th, the Alliance partnered with the City of Richmond’s 5th District, the Richmond Tree Stewards, and Capital One volunteers to plant street trees in the Swansboro neighborhood on Richmond’s southside. In one morning, we were able to plant 30 street trees in a neighborhood that had none before!
In January 2020, the Town of La Plata was honored with the very first Bird City Maryland designation. Bird City Maryland’s mission is to make communities healthier for birds and people. Through their programming, they recognize and promote municipalities in Maryland who take action to protect birds through sound conservation practices. In addition, Bird City …
March 19, 2020 Dear Partners and Friends, In the blink of an eye it feels like the world around us has totally changed – spring is here and the nation is facing a pandemic crisis. Here at the Alliance, we are staying on top of the facts, and we are taking precautions to help flatten …
For the past three years the Alliance’s D.C. staff has presented at Rooting D.C., a free urban gardening forum that educates attendees about urban agriculture and local food issues. In 2019, I had the pleasure of giving a presentation on edible native plants that can be incorporated into rain gardens and BayScape gardens. These practices …
As a thirty-year-old, I cannot personally speak about the first Earth Day. But I do know that 50 years ago we had no Environmental Protection Agency, no Clean Water Act, and appallingly inadequate proto-versions of the Endangered Species Act and Clean Air Acts. Rivers were burning, DDT was sprayed from airplanes across America, and people …
Spring marks the beginning of Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s annual stream clean up program, Project Clean Stream (PCS). Through PCS, the Alliance offers hands-on opportunities through our partnership with residents, local businesses, environmental organizations, local governments, community groups, houses of worship, schools and universities, to come together to take action to restore clean waters …