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Are you afraid of the dark? Walking through a forest in upstate New York, you come across a damp, dark cave. You are keen to move past it, fearful of what lies within. You hurry forwards when out of the corner of your eye an eerie greenish glow appears. Are you seeing things? What could …
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Our streams need trees. The very best thing we can do for water quality is to protect and increase the amount of streamside (or, if you’re inclined to speak Latin, riparian) forest cover. In the conservation world we call these strips of recently planted streamside trees riparian forest buffers; they are protecting our water bodies …
You’re walking through the woods on a crisp, late October afternoon, smelling the sharp scent of decaying leaves and listening to the dry rustle of beech leaves in the breeze. You decide to take a break, sit on an old stump, munch an apple and observe this amazing world…but, what is that reaching up next …
PRESS RELEASE Contact: Marissa Spratley Email: Office: 443-949-0575 Cell: 410-718-2728 PRESS RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 20 Acres of Trees Being Planted at Local School DCNR, Penn State, and the Alliance Partner to Help Improve Pennsylvania’s Water Quality Manchester, PA (October 24, 2019) Today, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay (Alliance) joined Cindy Dunn, secretary …
Aligning with our mission to bring together communities, companies, and conservationists to improve our lands and waters, the Alliance strives to protect habitats and ecosystems in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. With the prevailing threat of climate change, deforestation, and development pressures, many ecosystems and animal species are rapidly losing their habitat and vegetation which they …
It was an early autumn evening while sitting in repose in a stately northern red oak tree (Quercus rubra) that I recount a rather haunting tale of intrigue and misunderstanding. I had just settled in to the second hour of self-imposed confinement eighteen feet above the forest floor. My mind had already broken free from …
This past Sunday, October 20th the Alliance hosted a very rainy, but cozy Fall Fest: Native Plant Social inside our headquarters in Annapolis, Maryland. We invited the public to come check out our newly updated building, meet our staff, and get a chance to learn about who we are and about the work that we …
The Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC), in conjunction with the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), held its 2019 Local Government Forum on September 11th, 2019 at the National Conservation and Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, WV. The Local Government Forum is an annual problem-solving and strategic planning …
October marks the beginning of oyster season in Maryland and Virginia. It is also National Seafood month! And what better way to celebrate than by cooking the seasonally appropriate seafood: oysters! Here are five great oyster recipes to try out this Fall! 1. Oyster Stew Recipe from Ingredients: 4 tablespoons butter 1 large onion, …
Oysters are a delicacy of the Chesapeake Bay region. Locals eat them raw, steamed, fried, grilled, baked, in casseroles, soups, stews, bisques, and even in drinks. While the bivalves can be eaten year round, they are the best in the colder months of September through April because during the warmer months oysters tend to be …