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Spring is right around the corner, but don’t trim back your dormant plants just yet! While this year’s colder-than-normal winter might have you wanting to get back in the garden, it’s important to wait until the last freeze of the season before starting spring cleaning.
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As someone who works in communications, where my job can be boiled down to making people care more about the Chesapeake Bay, this little lesson on marine ecology, delivered by a weather-beaten boat captain no less, was no doubt the highlight of my trip.
Do you live in the Anacostia watershed? The Alliance is offering up to 75% off of maintenance for your installations!
A lot of us clean water enthusiasts have probably heard the word “watershed” countless times. But what does the word actually mean?
The District of Columbia Citizen Science Water Quality Monitoring Report 2024 is out! The report covers key data and takeaways from citizen science monitoring from the 2024 season and gives insight into water quality near popular recreation sites across the District.
The Alliance strives to create opportunities for our Corps Members, and since 2018, has hosted four, all of whom have moved onto being full-time or part-time members of our team!
Join the Alliance as we host back-to-back tree plantings in a relay-style event to get thousands of trees in the ground in just one day!
The audible and visual sensory overload as tens of thousands of birds simultaneously take flight is something you have to see to believe. At times, it can feel like you’re standing in a real-life snow globe surrounded by an inconceivable number of snow geese as they lift off the water.
In the Shenandoah Valley, the Alliance brought together a waterman and a farmer to share their personal stories and professional passions, while breaking bread together. Theirs is a story of the captivating journey from inland mountains and headwater streams to the wide-open, salty expanse of the Bay itself.
Our volunteers’ hard work has a lasting impact improving the ecosystem, health, and beauty of the watershed, and their time and dedication has made this effort a success. We could not have done it without them!