Bay Journal

Five Reasons to Know the Health of Your Local Stream

Many of us think of spring and summer as the time the birds start singing, flowers start blooming, and the weather warms up. In the water quality monitoring world, the season also means we are dusting off our secchi disks and getting our sampling equipment ready for a new sampling season! At the Alliance for …

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More Than Just A Stream Cleanup

Every year between March and the first week of June, tens of thousands of volunteers come together to clean up their local communities as a part of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s Project Clean Stream (PCS) —the largest trash cleanup initiative in the Chesapeake Bay region! For over 15 years, the support provided by …

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Resolve to do the best you can to advance clean water in 2018

As we start to turn the page on 2017, I wanted to brainstorm some ideas for resolutions we can share as a community for 2018. The new year is a time to reflect on where we’ve been and what we’ve accomplished in the past year and to commit to new habits and practices moving forward. …

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Safeguarding Against Stormwater: Maintaining RiverSmart Homes Best Management Practices

Stormwater runoff is the fastest growing source of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. Increased development throughout the watershed has reduced the natural ground cover which is equipped to absorb and filter water during storm events. Asphalt, concrete, or other impervious structures such as homes or commercial buildings are replacing these natural ground covers. These impervious …

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Birds, Bugs, and Trees for the Bay

On a warm Saturday morning this fall, over 30 landowners gathered on a property in Baltimore County, Maryland to learn a little about promoting the birds and the bees. Literally. The workshop, titled “Get to Know Your Backyard Habitat”, invited local residents to see an example of stellar wildlife habitat tended by landowners Pascale Meraldi …

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Kate Fritz, former head of South River Federation, to lead Alliance

Kate Fritz is no stranger to the issues that face the Chesapeake Bay watershed, having lived in five of the seven Chesapeake Bay jurisdictions. Fritz joins the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay as the new executive director, bringing more than 15 years of experience in scientific data collection, local land use planning, ecological restoration and nonprofit management. …

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Businesses step up to help the Chesapeake

Lots of indicators of water quality and habitat show that progress is slowly being made to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. Ultimately, we would probably all agree that it will take commitment from all segments of society and a broad base of participation to be successful in reaching our goals in the long …

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Are you Chesapeake Bay aware?

By Nissa Dean and Liz Chodoba In 2016, the Legislatures of each of the Chesapeake Bay watershed commonwealths and states designated the second week of June as Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week. This designation urges all Chesapeake Bay residents “to commemorate the Week with events, activities, and educational programs designed to raise awareness of the importance …

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Project Clean Stream: Engaging Businesses and Making a Splash in Local Communities

Every spring, local waterways and woodlands receive a clean start as thousands of volunteers come together for the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s Project Clean Stream, the largest annual volunteer cleanup event in the Chesapeake Bay region. This year, Project Clean Stream officially kicks off on April 1, 2017 for its 14th year of bringing …

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Stormwater Symbiosis: A Look at the Bloomingdale Rebate Program as a Successful Example of Public-Private-Civil Society Partnership

Mutually Beneficial Relationships Flourish Institutions that embody symbiotic relationships between public, private, and civil society sectors have proven to be a successful model for the management of water resources across the globe. Their cooperative approach brings together a range of partners that can accommodate diverse community needs in a way that is transparent, inclusive, and …

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