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The District of Columbia Citizen Science Water Quality Monitoring Report 2024 is out! The report covers key data and takeaways from citizen science monitoring from the 2024 season and gives insight into water quality near popular recreation sites across the District.
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The Alliance strives to create opportunities for our Corps Members, and since 2018, has hosted four, all of whom have moved onto being full-time or part-time members of our team!
This summer, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay announced a new mini-grant program called Community Green Access (CGA). The Alliance is excited to award five projects across the watershed!
Throughout my years of working in the outdoor and conservation space, I’ve noticed a common theme; galvanizing people to conserve their own communities is a lot more effective when they’re experiencing it firsthand.
In recognition of the National Day of Service on Wednesday, September 11, The Alliance kicked off the fall 2024 Project Clean Stream season in Pennsylvania, Annapolis, Washington, DC, and Virginia!
Water clarity is instrumental in determining the health of the Chesapeake Bay, and has an unquantifiable impact. For one, aquatic organisms rely on light for photosynthesis, especially at depths. When light is limited, food chains are affected from the bottom-up. In addition, some fauna rely on light to see prey and navigate.
Every year, Project Clean Stream (PCS) hosts several trash pickups, drawing tens of thousands of volunteers to come together with the common goal of cleaning up and promoting the health and restoration of their local waterways.
Like water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration, pH is an essential parameter in assessing habitat suitability for aquatic life. This is because pH determines the solubility and availability of nutrients and minerals for the survival of a species.
It’s the incredible speakers who craft memorable sessions that help bring the annual Chesapeake Watershed Forum and its theme to life, and the Alliance solicits session proposals every year.
The Alliance kicked off yet another year of Project Clean Stream. So far, we’ve held 23 events and collected over 6,500 pounds of trash from the Chesapeake Bay watershed!