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The District of Columbia Citizen Science Water Quality Monitoring Report 2024 is out! The report covers key data and takeaways from citizen science monitoring from the 2024 season and gives insight into water quality near popular recreation sites across the District.
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What good is data if it never gets used? The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) is here to make sure that doesn’t happen! Each group within the CMC network is monitoring to achieve their own unique and individual goals for education, advocacy, outreach, and communication and have made enormous impacts on their communities.
Our Water Quality Monitoring Initiative works to provide technical expertise, training, and resources in order to engage diverse partners to collect and share water quality data.
This semester’s Environmental projects Intern, Jordan Oliver, from Bowie State University, has concluded his time with the Alliance! The fall 2023 term brought some very special times which included monthly water quality monitoring, events, networking relationships, and exciting professional development opportunities.
The Alliance’s Environmental Projects Interns from Bowie State University (BSU) have just finished up their time with us, and left a lasting impression.
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay hosted the 2019 Virginia Citizens for Water Quality Summit on October 19th, in Ashland, VA as a Forum Plus event. The summit’s theme was “More Money, More Monitoring” and focused on creating diverse partnerships in order to expand monitoring efforts throughout the Commonwealth.
On November 18th, leaders from Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Izaak Walton League of America, Virginia Citizens for Water Quality, and Virginia Water Monitoring Council, and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay renewed a long-standing commitment to partnering to give citizens the tools and trainings needed to accurately assess …