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Join the Alliance as we host back-to-back tree plantings in a relay-style event to get thousands of trees in the ground in just one day!
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The Alliance’s PA Riparian Forest Buffer Project planted its 1,000th acre! Join us as we reflect on the last six years of upstream work for clean water and healthy forests.
It was recently graduation day in Manheim, and students are eager to embark on the next phase of their lives. Downstream, a different graduation is going on for two and a quarter acres of trees.
The Alliance’s largest-ever tree planting is complete; Big Elk Creek State Park in Chester County, Pennsylvania now has 270 acres of new forest, including over 70,000 native tree and shrub seedlings!
The Healthy Forests Healthy Waters (HFHW) program offers landowners in Maryland a cost-free opportunity to establish new woodland cover on their property.
How do you balance multiple organizational missions while collaborating on a project? What do you do if the community you are trying to help doesn’t understand why you want to remove trees and shrubs in their neighborhood? How do you politely ask someone to stop dumping an invasive plant into a stream you worked hard …
This past May, the Alliance hosted a free, guided tour of 10 champion trees in Harford County, MD. Learn more about what champion trees are and how you can find a few for yourself in a self-guided tour.
Our Pennsylvania Forests Team is seeking volunteers to help plant nearly 5,000 trees across the Commonwealth this spring!
Each Spring and Fall, Alliance staff work tirelessly to plant thousands of trees throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The goal is to reforest as much of the watershed as possible for our forests, for our streams, and for our future. Many of these reforestation projects are riparian forest buffers, which are the area of land adjacent to a stream containing native, perennial trees and shrubs.