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Forests For The Bay Launches New Tool To Help Develop Conservation Projects Nearly 80% of woodlands in the Chesapeake are owned by families and businesses. This means that much of the clean air and water, wildlife habitat, jobs, and other benefits are provided by private woodland owners. To help maintain and enhance these benefits, many …
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TreeBaltimore is a program aimed at increasing Baltimore City’s urban tree canopy by engaging citizens and community groups in their neighborhoods to help plant and maintain trees that will ultimately benefit their communities. The program is funded by Constellation Energy with key partners made up of TreeBaltimore, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, the Alliance for the …
Thursday, October 4th, 10:30 am — 1:30 p.m. Wilson College Science Center 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 If you keep any manure-producing animals—even one horse in your backyard—you are now required to have a manure management plan in Pennsylvania. But that doesn’t mean it has to be a difficult task. The Alliance for the …
On Thursday, June 19, federal, state and non-profit partners kicked off an initiative to accelerate the implementation of riparian forest buffers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The Chesapeake Riparian Forest Buffer Leadership Summit included discussions on the unique value of riparian forests in water quality and stream health, the importance of forest buffer goals set …
The Alliance Pennsylvania office has had a busy year in successfully launching the TreeVitalize Streams program. Nearly 1500 trees have been planted in these Susquehanna River watersheds: Little Conestoga, Little Swatara, Letort, Mud Run, Pequea; and the West Branch of the Susquehanna. To date nearly 500 volunteers have either participated in buffer training workshops; involved in …
The Social Marketing Plan from TreeBaltimore, Tree Up, is a new way to reach non-traditional audiences in the Baltimore community with our tree planting message. Tree Ups are themed social events organized all over Baltimore where participants can have some fun and give back to the city by planting a tree. Tree Ups are for …
[title size=”3″ ]Tree Planting Along St. James Run Is Part Of Larger Effort To Help Farmers Restore Streamside Forestbuffers Along Working Lands Photo Caption: Spielman Farm owner Jim Clement, center, meets with representatives of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and Norfolk Southern along stream where new trees will be planted in a joint conservation …
2014 Chesapeake Forest Champion contest seeks nominations.[imageframe class=”acb-img-float-right” ] The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay with support from the U.S. Forest Service is soliciting nominations for their annual Chesapeake Forest Champions contest. Forests provide clean water and air, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, and a host of other benefits to people. In rural and urban areas …
As spring finally arrived with its much-anticipated warmth and vibrant color, our oaks, the grand statesmen of our eastern deciduous forests, again waited patiently to break dormancy. It is as if they somehow understand their significance while choosing to remain wise and humble. Oaks (genus Quercus) have served a prominent role in our landscape for …
[title class=”acb-page-content-subtitle ” ]Alliance Partnership Will Help Improve Local Drinking Water And The Chesapeake BayANNAPOLIS, MD, January 2015 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service has awarded the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $1.5 million in federal financial and technical assistance through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). The Alliance with its partners Stroud …