Forests for the Bay

A closeup of a yellowish plant with purple tips

What’s Poppin’? Phenological Fun: Autumn Coralroot

Commonly called autumn coralroot, this unique orchid is one of 11 other species of terrestrial orchids and is native to the eastern and central U.S. as well as some parts of Canada and Mexico.

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Happy Graduation to a Riparian Rangers Buffer

It was recently graduation day in Manheim, and students are eager to embark on the next phase of their lives. Downstream, a different graduation is going on for two and a quarter acres of trees.

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A few ninebark blooms surrounded by green ninebark leaves.

What’s Poppin’? Phenological Fun: Ninebark

Ninebark is a hardy, perrenial shrub that changes appearance seasonally.

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Press Release: Flexible Funding Available for Riparian Forest Buffer Installation and Maintenance in Virginia

The Alliance is excited to partner with the Virginia Department of Forestry as they launch a flexible, no-cost riparian forest buffer installation program called Riparian Forests for Landowners Program. This unique program will also cover one year of maintenance for landowners.

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Exploring the Uhler Tract: Forest Management, Invasive Species, and Biodiversity at Bowie State University

The Alliance, Bowie State University, and the Maryland Park Service are collaborating on a forest management plan for approximately 255 acres of land. Join the Alliance’s Forests program field crew as they share what they found most interesting during the forest inventory in late May.

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One Pink Lady's Slipper flower growing up from a partly sunny forest floor.

What’s Poppin’? Phenological Fun: Pink Lady’s Slipper

Symbiosis and self-compatibility! The alluring Pink Lady’s Slipper is a stunningly unique species.

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A blue bird sticking its head out of a hole in a tree.

Exploring the Intricate Relationship Between Birds and Native Trees in Spring: A Symphony of Mutualism

Spring in the Chesapeake Bay watershed is a season of renewal and rejuvenation, marked by the harmonious interplay between native trees and bird species.

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Left photo shows a branch with four small paw paw flowers. Photo on the right shows one paw paw flower straight on showing the stigma and petals.

What’s Poppin’? Phenological Fun: Paw Paw

Like a lot of fruiting trees, a paw paw cannot produce fruit on its own, and April-May is the best time to see paw paw flowers!

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A belted kingfisher hovering as it waits to catch some prey (Photo Credit: Ron Dudley).

Diving into the World of the Belted Kingfisher

Due to the abundance of fish and insects that a waterway provides, you can find a wide variety of birds while kayaking streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, including the belted kingfisher, Megaceryle alcyon.

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A pair of mounted passenger pigeons are frozen in time at the Royal Ontario Museum (Photo credit:

An Empty Sky: The Plight of the Passenger Pigeon

How does a species that was once so important disappear completely from the hearts and minds of those whose ancestors witnessed this spectacle? And maybe most importantly, how do we prevent something like this from happening again?

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