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As I write this article, the temperature outside my window here in northern Maryland is 60 degrees (and the sun isn’t even shining). Just a week ago (late February) it was 70+ degrees across much of the State. It’s hard to believe that we’re hitting these temperatures in February and March! Walking and driving around, …
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The snow goose (Anser caerulescens) migration is an annual event that many of us within the Chesapeake Bay region look forward to each year.
Our forests have always endured natural stresses and disturbances like fires, storms, drought, etc. The impacts of climate change in our region will certainly exacerbate these stresses and alter the composition of our forests in various ways.
Do you understand the important role fallen leaves play in our ecosystems? After the season of fall foliage, leaves of our deciduous trees brown, fall, and start the second half of their lives, giving back to the ecosystem that formed them!
How do you balance multiple organizational missions while collaborating on a project? What do you do if the community you are trying to help doesn’t understand why you want to remove trees and shrubs in their neighborhood? How do you politely ask someone to stop dumping an invasive plant into a stream you worked hard …
Tree cavities come in all shapes and sizes. Each tells a story related to that tree and the wounds it has endured. Dive into what causes many tree cavities and what spooky things can happen as a result of them this “Holloween.”
Did you know that in addition to its vibrant fall foliage, shagbark hickory provides important habitat and food for wildlife like black bears, raccoons, squirrels, bats, and more?
This past May, the Alliance hosted a free, guided tour of 10 champion trees in Harford County, MD. Learn more about what champion trees are and how you can find a few for yourself in a self-guided tour.
Our Pennsylvania Forests Team is seeking volunteers to help plant nearly 5,000 trees across the Commonwealth this spring!
The best fireworks in the world don’t hold a Roman candle to a native grassland in mid-summer. Grasslands (also known as meadows) are not only beautiful, but are important habitats in our region which are often misunderstood and overlooked.