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Due to the abundance of fish and insects that a waterway provides, you can find a wide variety of birds while kayaking streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, including the belted kingfisher, Megaceryle alcyon.
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How does a species that was once so important disappear completely from the hearts and minds of those whose ancestors witnessed this spectacle? And maybe most importantly, how do we prevent something like this from happening again?
Have you ever heard the flutey call of the wood thrush? These interior forest specialists are commonly found in our eastern forests, but they are vulnerable to habitat changes, like fragmentation, invasive plant infiltration, and herbivory in the forest understory.
A recent news story involved a homeowner along the Elizabeth River whose next door neighbor hadn’t cut or trimmed the vegetation in his yard in over four years. This colorful local dispute gets to the heart of a perception issue that is critical to the future of the Chesapeake Bay and its wildlife.
We sat down with Julie Lawson, chair of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Stakeholders’ Advisory Committee to ask about her experience serving on the Committee as well as some of her thoughts on the Chesapeake Bay Program at large.
The Alliance kicked off yet another year of Project Clean Stream. So far, we’ve held 23 events and collected over 6,500 pounds of trash from the Chesapeake Bay watershed!
Remember our Inflorescence Story from this past March? Take another deep dive into flowers with us in Part 2 and learn more about flower anatomy.
Have you found this invasive perenial wildflower yet? It’s currently poppin’, so be on the look out!
What good is data if it never gets used? The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) is here to make sure that doesn’t happen! Each group within the CMC network is monitoring to achieve their own unique and individual goals for education, advocacy, outreach, and communication and have made enormous impacts on their communities.
Non-native species aren’t inherently bad, and not all non-native species become invasive. However, we should thoughtfully consider our landscaping choices, particularly when heading to our local garden center.