Reduce Stormwater Runoff

Wandering the Warm Springs Watershed

Decisions made by a local official impact not only the health and vitality of their community, but also their local waterways and the greater Chesapeake Bay watershed.

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A large concrete container used for manure storage

Expanding Conservation on Farms in the Octoraro Creek Watershed

In fall of 2020, TeamAg introduced us to a small Amish dairy farm in the Octoraro watershed. Take a look at the exciting agriculture Best Management Practices we’ve been installing there.

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Two people smiling and holding trash bags.

Neighborhood Ambassadors Paving the Path Towards Stewardship

The streets we travel during our evening walks or work commutes are full of twists and turns, bumps and curves. These same streets carry the oil that drips from our cars, the fertilizers we spray on our yards, the salt laid on the street in preparation for the snow that inevitably doesn’t fall, and many more pollutants.

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Maintaining Stormwater Practices

Residential stormwater practices are great ways to help capture and infiltrate stormwater on your property, but they need routine care to keep them working effectively. Maintaining your stormwater practices can seem daunting at times, but the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay can assist.

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Spring Garden Care Tips

Depending on where you are in the watershed, this unseasonably warm spell may have your plants getting ready to break dormancy early. Right now is a perfect opportunity to prepare your garden and prevent it from blooming too early.

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Strengthening and Building “Buffer” Partnerships

How do you balance multiple organizational missions while collaborating on a project?  What do you do if the community you are trying to help doesn’t understand why you want to remove trees and shrubs in their neighborhood? How do you politely ask someone to stop dumping an invasive plant into a stream you worked hard …

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The Greening of St. Catherine Laboure

In May 2021 the Alliance and our partners at ecoLatinos set forth on a new project: The Greening of St. Catherine Laboure. I should start by saying St. Catherine was very green already. Sitting on almost 10 acres of beautiful property in Montgomery County, MD, the Catholic church has immaculate grounds. However, more than half …

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Every Day is Earth Day for the Cougars

Every day is Earth Day for the Cougars of John B. Cary Elementary School in Richmond, VA. This school year, amidst a pandemic and with his staff and students working and learning 100% virtually, Principal Michael Powell established Richmond Public School’s first Eco Campus

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The Best of the Best in Urban Stormwater Practices

Hosted by the Chesapeake Stormwater Network, the BUBBAs (Best Urban BMP in the Bay Awards) honor the innovation and success behind some of the Chesapeake Bay’s latest best management practices (BMPs). BMPs reduce the quantity or improve the quality of stormwater runoff in urban areas throughout the watershed. This ensures that runoff flowing into our …

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Investing in Our Contract Partners

One of the most underrated aspects of the Alliance’s work with the RiverSmart Homes program is its potential value for small companies looking to move into green infrastructure, such as rain gardens, rain barrels and permeable pavers. By providing training and ongoing support, we enable contractors to take on new, ecologically responsible projects.

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