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Native Plant Narratives is a series of short, educational videos highlighting the benefits of plants native to the Chesapeake Bay region and conservation gardening. Most of the videos will focus on specific native species, where and when to use them, as well as how to care for them. There will also be videos on more …
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The Alliance kicked off a new partnership with the City of Lancaster in the midst of a pandemic. While the impact and implications of COVID-19 moved through local communities we geared up for operating in a remote world. Passionate people who care deeply about the Lancaster community and our environment see opportunities to leverage and expand our work – even in the midst of uncertainties.
Environmental educators from the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and the James River Park System are thrilled to be working together to bring an after-school program to Richmond Public Schools (RPS) students next year.
For the past three years the Alliance’s D.C. staff has presented at Rooting D.C., a free urban gardening forum that educates attendees about urban agriculture and local food issues. In 2019, I had the pleasure of giving a presentation on edible native plants that can be incorporated into rain gardens and BayScape gardens. These practices …
There are many good reasons to have a lawn. A lawn can be used for overflow parking, a space for children and dogs to play, or as a stable surface for heavy foot traffic around buildings and houses. But about ten percent of the land in the Chesapeake Bay watershed is lawn cover. Do we …
“No other city that I know of has convened a meeting like this,” expressed Andrew Moore of the National League of Cities, commenting on the DC Workforce Development and Green Jobs Roundtable that was created by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, in partnership with the Department of Energy and Environment and the National League …
Since September, field trips for Henrico County 6th graders to Maymont have continued to be a great success. As part of the BWISE (Bay Watershed in Science and Education) program, students have been exploring the concept of watershed through hands-on testing of the Maymont creeks and participating in history, art and math stations. Enjoy this video that highlights all the great work done this Fall!
During September, the Alliance hosted two green infrastructure trainings taught entirely in Spanish. Through key partnerships with DC’s Department of Energy and the Environment and the non-profit EcoLatinos, participants at both the rain barrel and rain garden trainings were able to leave with increased stormwater knowledge, technical know-how for the successful installation of stormwater best …
The Alliance is proud to be a partner in BWISE (Bay Watershed in Science Education)! In addition to training teachers this summer in MWEE (Meaningful Watershed Education Experience), the program recently connected students with Virginia Public Media and Light House Studio to create their own videos.
August is often the time of year when teachers attend professional development trainings to prepare them for the upcoming school year. For Henrico County middle school teachers involved in Bay Watershed in Science Education (BWISE) project, this training took place at Maymont park on August 6 and August 7.