Supporting Our Partners

A garden in front of house

How you can help change the perception of a “messy” yard

A recent news story involved a homeowner along the Elizabeth River whose next door neighbor hadn’t cut or trimmed the vegetation in his yard in over four years. This colorful local dispute gets to the heart of a perception issue that is critical to the future of the Chesapeake Bay and its wildlife.

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D.C. environmentalist shares her biggest takeaways from chairing the Stakeholders’ Advisory Committee

We sat down with Julie Lawson, chair of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Stakeholders’ Advisory Committee to ask about her experience serving on the Committee as well as some of her thoughts on the Chesapeake Bay Program at large.

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Move Over Miscanthus, Three Native Grasses to Plant Instead

Non-native species aren’t inherently bad, and not all non-native species become invasive. However, we should thoughtfully consider our landscaping choices, particularly when heading to our local garden center.

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Restoring Wetlands at Cedar Point Wildlife Management Area

Wetlands are crucial to the health and resiliency of the Bay in a time of rapidly changing climate. Climate change is also extending periods of wet and dry cycles. In times of drought, groundwater stored by wetlands can be critical in sustaining our native plants and animals. In times of extended rainfall, that same storage capability prevents or lessens flooding of our communities and important infrastructure.

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Focusing on the Future, and Envisioning a Bay for All

With every year that our Chesapeake community works together to restore clean water to our rivers and streams, we learn more.

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An aerial view of a neighborhood of houses combined with forest

Stakeholders’ Advisory Committee discusses the effects of tree loss on a local scale

The Stakeholders Advisory Committee consists of volunteers from across the Chesapeake Bay watershed who advise the Chesapeake Executive Council on the interests of communities and stakeholders. The committee learns and discusses state and local priorities related to water quality, living resources, wildlife habitats, community engagement and other priorities outlined in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement.

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A bee hovering near a yellow jewelweed flower

A Native Chesapeake Plant Can Prevent Your Poison Ivy Rash

Growing anywhere from two to five feet tall, jewelweed is a natural remedy to poison ivy—if you can catch it quickly enough.

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A large concrete container used for manure storage

Expanding Conservation on Farms in the Octoraro Creek Watershed

In fall of 2020, TeamAg introduced us to a small Amish dairy farm in the Octoraro watershed. Take a look at the exciting agriculture Best Management Practices we’ve been installing there.

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A group of people standing near solar panels in a field.

A conversation with the leadership of the Citizens Advisory Committee

The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) is a group of volunteers representing communities and stakeholders from across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, and is divided into three subcommittees. We interviewed the chair of each subcommittee to learn more about the expertise they bring to the CAC and how their unique panel is helping to restore the Bay!

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When You’re Feeling Blue, Think Native Plants

Alliance staff, Jamie Alberti, loves to surround herself with blues, and that includes her outdoor space. If you’d like to add a little dash of blue to your gardens, consider her top five favorite blue native plants!

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