
Bees Need Trees

Large, charismatic wildflower blooms might get more screen time than some of the early tree blooms that are harder to appreciate or photograph from eye-level, but both are important to bee conservation, for both generalist and specialist species.

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Spring Means Snow

The snow goose (Anser caerulescens) migration is an annual event that many of us within the Chesapeake Bay region look forward to each year.

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A person smiling while a monarch butterfly rests on their finger

More Milkweed for the Monarchs

I remember how excited I would get as a child before entering the local butterfly enclosure. My friends, family, and others there were always on the lookout for one of the most iconic pollinators in the Americas – the monarch butterfly. Decades later, while partnering with a monarch conservation group, I was thrilled to see the awe remain in the eyes of today’s children during their yearly monarch release. Crossing borders and biomes, monarch butterflies are still a source of wonder and an inspiring symbol of summer in the Chesapeake Bay.

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Having a Dam Good Time at BeaverCon

In 2022, myself and about 200 others from across the United States, England, Wales, and the Netherlands gathered near Baltimore to attend BeaverCon, a two-day conference to learn and share about beavers. The attendees included restoration professionals, scientists, biologists, landowners, students, and representatives from state, local, and federal governments. So why a conference dedicated to …

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A Bald Eagle sitting on a tree branch.

Winter Birding – It’s for the Birds!

The coo of a Mourning Dove outside your window. The fluted sound of a Wood Thrush accompanying you on a hike. Birds add richness to our lives if we are simply open to it – and they are just beautiful to look at!

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Celebrating Shark Week: Jaws of the Chesapeake

Happy Shark Week everyone! If you’re anything like me, you are glued to the Discovery Channel for exactly one week every summer to learn from the newest and most groundbreaking shark research happening around the world. With Shark Week coinciding with peak swimming and boating season, you may have found yourself wondering – Are there …

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Fishing Spiders: Tickly Water Walkers

“Hey Rob, can you write an article for the newsletter? Maybe something that showcases the wildlife of the watershed. Something that makes people feel good, gives them warm and fuzzy feelings.” Hmm fuzzy… I know just the thing!  Spiders!  Everyone likes spiders!   Now before you say “Nope” first of all, think of something original to …

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Bird Nesting Boxes on Camera!

When I started with the Alliance in October, I was busy learning about the organization and where I would fit in with my position. Admittedly, it was overwhelming initially, as I was also transitioning from a different sector (local government) and adjusting to working entirely remotely. However, my coworkers on the Agriculture Team were a …

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Hell Bent on Clean Water

My first interaction with a hellbender was profound. Imagine putting your head underwater in a cool mountain stream and inadvertently coming face-to-face with a gigantic, 15-inch aquatic salamander. We were snorkeling in a clear Pennsylvania mountain stream, looking at crayfish and taking photos of fish with our underwater camera. I peered under a rock to get a closer look at a colorful darter, and there it was: a snot otter, the alligator of the Alleghenies, a devil dog, a grampus. Known by many names, the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) is a species of giant salamander endemic to eastern North America. It is a completely aquatic amphibian and can grow to be quite large — the record is almost 30 inches.

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The White Weasels of Winter

Weasels are some of the few mammals that turn white during the winter. These small, but highly-skilled predators can be found throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed and once had a significant role in the fur trade during European colonization of North America.

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