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Home / Native Plant Center / Betula alleghaniensis
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Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
Tall Tree (Canopy)
60 - 80ft
35 - 50ft
Green, Yellow
Cone/Cone-like; Brown, Green
Partial Sun
Loamy, Sandy
Moist, Wet
April - May
golden yellow
moist, rich uplands to low-lying swamps and borders of streams, elevated floodplain terrace and knobs
fall color; attractive winter texture and color; prefers cool, moist conditions, common on calcareous soils; B. lutea syn for B. all. var. all. Wood used for furniture, cabinet work, mine props, charcoal and pulpwood; whitetail deer and cottontail rabbit utilize this tree for food; oil of wintergreen from bark and stem (Dirr)