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Home / Native Plant Center / Ulmus americana
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Coastal Plain, Mountain, Piedmont
Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
Tall Tree (Canopy)
75 - 100ft
Brown, Red
Winged; Brown
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Clay, Loamy, Sandy
Moist, Wet
March - April
bright yellow
river bottoms, swamps, disturbed fields, road sides, cutover forests
Dutch elm disease caused decline; distinctive "vase" shape; favorite nesting site of Baltimore oriole; Wood used for pulpwood, charcoal and lumber; formerly much planted as an ornamental but it is susceptible to Dutch elm disease and less used at present; seeds eaten by wood ducks, wild turkeys, squirrels, rabbits, and a few songbirds; deer browse the leav