Photo courtesy of Chesapeake Bay Program

Sponsor the Watershed Forum


We hope you will support the Alliance as a 2024 Chesapeake Watershed Forum sponsor!

The Chesapeake Watershed Forum is a hallmark event in the Chesapeake restoration community. Over 400 attendees from different professions gather across the watershed with one common goal: a clean and healthy Chesapeake watershed. The Forum audience consists of multi-generational professionals, students, and volunteers passionate about restoration, conservation, stewardship, and environmental education who value collaboration, inclusivity, and diversity.

A Forum sponsorship places your brand or organization front-and-center as an action-oriented advocate for clean water and resilient lands in the watershed. Your sponsorship goes directly towards convening this important watershed-wide event.

Sponsor the Forum

Sponsorship Levels

Website – 1) Your logo will receive prominent placement on the Forum web page through 2024. 2) Listed as sponsor on our conference web app (includes an organizational profile on the platform).

Social Media – 1) An individual post on Alliance social media thanking you for sponsoring the Forum. 2) Your logo highlighted in Forum marketing materials.

At the Event – 1) Tabling space at the National Conservation Training Center. 2) 1/2 page advertisement in the physical Forum program booklet. 3) Your logo on the back cover of the Forum program booklet. 4) Your logo on event signage. 5) Opportunity to contribute a giveaway item for attendees.

Registrations – 5 two-day registrations to the Forum (2 nights lodging and 6 meals included with each registration).

Special – Opportunity to speak during welcome on Friday, October 18.


Website – 1) Your logo will receive prominent placement on the Forum web page through 2024. 2) Listed as sponsor on our conference web app (includes an organizational profile on the platform).

Social Media – 1) An individual post on Alliance social media thanking you for sponsoring the Forum. 2) Your logo highlighted in Forum marketing materials.

At the Event – 1) Tabling space at the National Conservation Training Center. 2) 1/2 page advertisement in the physical Forum program booklet. 3) Your logo on the back cover of the Forum program booklet. 4) Your logo on event signage. 5) Opportunity to contribute a giveaway item for attendees.

Registrations – 4 two-day registrations to the Forum (2 nights lodging and 6 meals included with each registration).


Website – 1) Your logo will receive prominent placement on the Forum web page through 2024. 2) Listed as sponsor on our conference web app (includes an organizational profile on the platform).

Social Media – Recognition in a group thank you post on the Alliance’s social media.

At the Event – 1) Tabling space at the National Conservation Training Center. 2) 1/2 page advertisement in the physical Forum program booklet. 3) Your logo on the back cover of the Forum program booklet. 4) Opportunity to contribute a giveaway item for attendees.

Registrations – 3 two-day registrations to the Forum (2 nights lodging and 6 meals included with each registration).


Website – Your logo will receive prominent placement on the Forum web page through 2024.

Social Media – Recognition in a group thank you post on the Alliance’s social media.

At the Event – 1) Tabling space at the National Conservation Training Center. 2) 1/2 page advertisement in the physical Forum program booklet. 3) Your logo on the back cover of the Forum program booklet. 4) Opportunity to contribute a giveaway item for attendees.

Registration – 1 two-day registration to the Forum (2 nights lodging and 6 meals included).


Website – Your logo will receive prominent placement on the Forum web page through 2024.

Social Media – Recognition in a group thank you post on the Alliance’s social media.

At the Event – 1) Tabling space at the National Conservation Training Center. 2) Your logo on the back cover of the Forum program booklet. 3) Opportunity to contribute a giveaway item for attendees.

Registration – 1 one-day registration to the Forum (1 nights lodging and 3 meals included).

Become a Paw Paw Level Sponsor

A Friend of the Forum’s donation goes directly to support the Forum scholarship fund.


What Works For You?

The suggested sponsorship levels above are a place to get started when considering your level of support. Contact Jenny McGarvey to further discuss opportunities customized to your needs and interests.  

Email Jenny