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Home / Staff and Leadership / Caroline Spiccioli
Green Infrastructure Projects Coordinator
Caroline developed a passion for nature from an early age. Her childhood was filled with many a rainstorm playing in puddles and wondering about which path the stormwater runoff would travel after it rushed away down her street. She has long been fascinated by the way that water moves through urban and natural landscapes, and she feels proud to be a part of the green stormwater infrastructure world during a time of such innovation and potential.
Caroline is a proud Baltimorean and has been a longtime volunteer educator at the National Aquarium. Her work at the Aquarium showed her the importance of interdisciplinarity and using a systems-thinking approach when considering environmental issues, which led her to pursue a B.S. in Environmental Studies from the University of Vermont. After graduation, she returned to her home watershed. She then interned with the Chesapeake Stormwater Network, served as a Chesapeake Conservation Corps member with the Maryland Department of the Environment and worked as an environmental scientist for KCI Technologies, Inc.
Outside of work, Caroline enjoys watching the Baltimore Inner Harbor wildlife, playing violin in her community orchestra, going to Orioles games, and looking for spiders. She is working on her fluency in Spanish after studying abroad in Panama during university. She can still be found volunteering at the Aquarium on weekends and sharing her love for the Chesapeake Bay watershed with fellow Baltimoreans and guests from all over the world.