Christine Danforth

Christine Danforth

Christine Danforth

Forests Projects Coordinator

Pennsylvania Office



Christine joined the Forest team in early 2024 as Central Pennsylvania’s Forest Project Coordinator. She works alongside landowners to help improve water quality and promote reforestation.

Christine graduated from the University of California, Davis with a degree in Horticulture and Urban Forestry concentrating on Restoration and Conservation. While working toward her degree she helped to start up a nonprofit native plant nursery outside of Davis, CA. After growing native plants for restoration in riparian and agricultural landscapes, she took a seasonal position with the National Park Service in the four corners region. This position taught her technical plant identification skills, given she worked in diverse ecosystems ranging from desert shrubland to mixed conifer forest.

Christine has now found herself in Centre County, PA, where she enjoys spending time with her dog, Morrison, and cat, Rory. If she’s not outside identifying plants, you’ll find her quilting, crossfitting or cooking new vegan recipes.